Tech Herfrica Partners with Onome Foods to Transform Lives in Kabusa Market Through Digital Empowerment

On the 15th of August, 2023, Tech Herfrica, in collaboration with their esteemed partners – Onome Foods, embarked on a mission to empower and uplift the women of Kabusa Market in Abuja through a comprehensive digital financial literacy training. The training aimed to bridge the gap in technological usage, thereby providing these remarkable women with the necessary skills to leverage technology for their businesses and livelihoods.

The training focused on over 40 women from Kabusa Market who already possessed smart and feature-rich phones, teaching them to access crucial market and farming information, market their products efficiently, expand their customer base, facilitate seamless USSD transactions, access financial services, and tap into the potential of e-commerce. These women were eager to embrace technology to enhance their trading endeavors and welcomed the opportunity with enthusiasm.

During the initial training phase on the 15th of August, participants were introduced to various tools and techniques that could transform their businesses. They learned to navigate digital platforms, access real-time market data, and communicate effectively through technology. The training session marked the beginning of a journey towards digital empowerment for these women.

Building upon the success of the initial training, Tech Herfrica and Onome Foods returned on the 21st of August, 2023, for the second phase of the program. This time, the focus shifted to equipping nearly 30 women with feature-rich phones that could cater to their specific needs. These phones enabled them to receive text messages on weather and planting information, access financial services, communicate with family members beyond their local community, use radio to stay updated on news, and use calculators to manage their business finances effectively.

The two phases of the training marked a significant shift in the women’s technological proficiency and confidence. They transitioned from a state of limited digital access to actively embracing various tools that could enhance their businesses and overall quality of life. The impact was tangible as these women learned to adapt to technology and incorporate it seamlessly into their daily routines.

Impact Recorded:

The impact of Tech Herfrica’s collaborative effort with Onome Food Market on the women of Kabusa Market has been profound and far-reaching. A total of 67 women actively participated in the training sessions, gaining essential digital skills and insights into the world of technology-enabled business growth. Among these women, 24 were fortunate recipients of mobile devices, a significant leap from the past when some of them had to rely on shared phones with family members.

The provision of mobile devices to these women has been a game-changer, bestowing them with independent access to information and communication. They now have the means to stay connected, access vital market data, and communicate effectively, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions and drive their businesses forward.

Meaningful Use of Tech: Both training sessions garnered active participation from a total of 67 women. They acquired crucial digital skills and gained insights into the realm of technology-driven business expansion. Participants were introduced to tools and techniques capable of transforming their businesses. Throughout the programme, they learned to proficiently navigate digital platforms, access real-time market data, and communicate effectively through technology.

Access to Devices: As a significant step forward, 24 out of the 67 women who participated in the training have been equipped with their very own mobile devices. This marks a substantial improvement from the previous scenario where some of them had to rely on shared family phones.

E-commerce Readiness: A remarkable testament to the success of the training is the enthusiastic embrace of e-commerce platforms by these women. An impressive 100% of the participants expressed their eagerness to leverage digital platforms for business expansion. This unanimous response reflects their growing understanding of the power of technology to connect them with a broader customer base, fostering growth and economic independence.

Access to Health Insurance and Micro-Pension Plans: Another noteworthy impact is the positive shift in the women’s perception of health insurance and micro-pension plans. Prior to the initiative, the baseline for access to health insurance and micro-pension plans stood at zero. However, the training and empowerment sessions have catalyzed change. An astounding 90% of the women now express their desire to access health insurance plans, recognizing its role in safeguarding their well-being and financial stability.

Similarly, 72% of the women have demonstrated a newfound interest in micro-pension plans, acknowledging the importance of long-term financial planning and security. This substantial shift from a previously non-existent desire showcases the transformative power of education and empowerment.


Through dedicated training sessions and the provision of smart and feature phones, these women have taken steps towards harnessing technology for business growth, financial literacy, and improved communication. This initiative not only bridges the technological gap but also paves the way for a brighter and more empowered future for the women of Kabusa Market.

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